Secure Ideas is excited to announce that Jason Gillam will be teaching Mobile PenTesting with MobiSec at Charlotte ISSA 10th Annual Infosec Summit. Kevin Johnson, one of the course authors, may be available on the second day.
In this hands-on, lab driven course students will be taught a methodology and series of techniques used to perform penetration testing of mobile devices and applications. This course, created by the project leads for the OWASP MobiSec project, uses intense lab driven learning that allows the student to learn techniques, tools and a methodology for testing mobile applications.
Students who are interested in expanding their knowledge of penetration testing, specifically around mobile applications and their infrastructure should attend this class. The course requires that students bring a laptop with at least 8GB of RAM and VMWare Player or Fusion.
To sign up, go to the Charlotte ISSA Website.
The below is a high level overview of the course.
- Day 1
- 2. Introduction
- 3. Mobile Applications
- a. Penetration testing
- b. Methodology
- i. Mapping
- ii. Discovery
- iii. Exploitation
- c. OWASP MobiSec
- d. Exercise: Set up and use MobiSec
- 4. Testing Lab
- a. Systems
- i. Windows
- ii. Linux
- iii. Mac
- b. Device OSs
- i. Android
- ii. iOS
- iii. Windows Phone
- c. Exercise: Lab Setup
- 5. Mapping
- a. Obtaining applications
- i. Source
- ii. Compiled and in an app store
- b. Installing apps onto test devices
- i. Retrieving applications and supporting files from the device
- c. Exercise: Manipulating devices and emulators
- i. Android
- ii. Windows Phone
- iii. iOS
- d. Intercepting traffic
- i. Emulator methods
- ii. Device methods
- e. Tools
- i. Fiddler
- ii. Burp
- iii. Mallory
- iv. Exercise: Interception
- 1. Fiddler
- 2. Mallory
- 3. Burp
- 6. Discovery
- a. Analyzing Application files
- i. SQLlite databases
- ii. Backup files
- iii. Application binaries
- iv. Exercise: Analyzing application files
- b. Fuzzing
- i. Burp Intruder
- ii. Burp Repeater
- iii. Fiddler
- iv. Exercise: Burp Intruder and Repeater
- v. SQLMap
- vi. Python scripts
- vii. WSFuzzer
- viii. SOAPUI
- ix. Exercise: WSFuzzer and SOAPUI
- Day 2
- 8. Exploitation
- a. SQL Injection
- i. Absinthe
- ii. SQLMap
- iii. Exercise: SQL Injection
- b. Cross-Site Scripting
- i. BeEF
- ii. Exercise: BeEF
- c. Other Client-Side attacks
- i. Client-Side SQL injection
- d. Session and Wireless attacks
- i. Wireless MiTM
- ii. Wireless Probe Spoofing
- iii. Session Hijacking
- iv. Logic Attacks
- v. Exercise: Session Hijacking and Logic Attacks
- 9. Capture the Flag
- a. Flag-based challenges
- b. Android
- c. Back end infrastructure
Jason Gillam is a Senior Security Consultant with Secure Ideas. If you are in need of a penetration test or other security consulting services you can contact him at, on Twitter @JGillam, or visit the Secure Ideas – ProfessionallyEvil site for services provided.