Professionally Evil Insights
Welcome to the Professionally Evil Insights blog by Secure Ideas! In this digital playground, we unravel the complex world of information security with a touch of fun. Our expert-led content ranges from deep-dives into penetration testing to explorations of hardware hacking. Whether you're curious about Secure Ideas or passionate about cybersecurity, this blog is your quick, enlightening, and entertaining guide into the captivating world of information security.
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How to allow multiple RDP sessions
Training |
penetration testing |
pentesting |
Windows |
technology tips and tricks |
rdp |
sysadmin |
system administration
The goal of this article is to walk through how to set up a Windows host to allow multiple remote ...
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How I Became a Security Consultant: AbsoluteAppsec Interview
Every so often, podcasts and such will invite me to speak on a variety of topics. And this week, I ...
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