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What is a Threat-Led Penetration Test?

Written by Kevin Johnson | Jul 27, 2024 1:39:10 PM

Penetration testing comes in many forms, encompassing everything from network and application testing to social engineering and physical security assessments. Recently a new term, Threat-Led Penetration Testing (TLPT) is capturing the attention of security professionals and regulators alike, promising a more targeted and realistic evaluation of an organization's defenses. Being a new term, you may not be familiar with it.  So what exactly is a threat-led penetration test and why might your organization need one?

Defining Threat-Led Penetration Testing


A threat-led penetration test, also known as a threat-based penetration test or adversary simulation, is a targeted and sophisticated approach to assessing an organization's security posture. Unlike traditional penetration testing, which often follows a more standardized methodology, threat-led testing is designed to simulate the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) of specific threat actors that are most likely to target your organization.

This approach goes beyond identifying technical vulnerabilities and focuses on how real-world adversaries might exploit your systems, processes, and people to achieve their objectives. It's about understanding not just where your weaknesses lie, but how they could be leveraged in a real attack scenario. 

The DORA Connection: Why It Matters


The concept of threat-led penetration testing has gained significant attention recently, thanks in part to the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) introduced by the European Union. DORA aims to establish a comprehensive framework for digital operational resilience in the financial sector, and it specifically mentions threat-led penetration testing as a key component of this framework.

Under DORA, certain financial entities will be required to conduct advanced testing of their Information and Communication Technology (ICT) systems using threat-led penetration testing at least every three years. This requirement underscores the growing recognition of the value that this type of testing brings to cybersecurity efforts.

Why Your Organization Might Need a Threat-Led Penetration Test
  2. Realistic Threat Simulation: By emulating the tactics of real threat actors, you get a more accurate picture of how your defenses would fare against a genuine attack.
  4. Targeted Risk Assessment: Threat-led tests focus on the specific risks and threat actors most relevant to your industry and organization, providing more valuable insights than a generic approach.
  6. Improved Incident Response: These tests can help you refine your incident response procedures by exposing gaps and weaknesses in your current processes.
  8. Regulatory Compliance: For organizations subject to DORA or similar regulations, threat-led penetration testing has become a mandatory requirement.  Similar to how GLBA has evolved, we expect to see this expand to other industries.
  10. Strategic Security Investment: The insights gained from a threat-led test can help you prioritize your security investments more effectively, focusing on the areas that matter most.
How Secure Ideas Approaches Threat-Led Penetration Testing

At Secure Ideas, we understand that every organization faces unique threats and challenges. Our approach to threat-led penetration testing is tailored to your specific needs and risk profile. We begin by working closely with you to identify the most relevant threat actors and scenarios for your organization. This collaborative process ensures that our testing efforts are focused and meaningful.

Our team of expert penetration testers then constructs a bespoke approach to simulate these targeted threats, providing you with a comprehensive view of your security posture. We don't just identify vulnerabilities; we demonstrate how they could be exploited in real-world attack chains, giving you actionable insights to enhance your defenses.

Beyond the Test: Empowering Your Security Journey

While the threat-led penetration test itself is crucial, at Secure Ideas, we believe in going beyond the test to truly empower your organization. Our Professionally Evil Testing as a Service (PETaaS) offering provides ongoing support and expertise, helping you continuously improve your security posture in the face of evolving threats.

Remember, cybersecurity is not a one-time effort but an ongoing journey. Threat-led penetration testing is a worthwhile exercise for mature security programs, but it's most effective when combined with a comprehensive, proactive approach to cybersecurity.

Ready to Take Your Security to the Next Level?

If you're interested in exploring how threat-led penetration testing can benefit your organization, or if you have questions about DORA compliance, we're here to help. Contact us today to discuss your unique needs and how we can tailor our services to meet them. Let's work together to build a stronger, more resilient security posture for your organization.